Saturday, December 18, 2010

Basic Strength Training

type='html'>Basic Strength Training

Want to improve your health, lose weight, and get your feel-good emotions pumped up? Then start basic strength training. Many people do not realize the benefits of a good basic strength training program. No matter who you are, you can live and feel better through basic strength training. Remember that stronger muscles and bones mean better health, lower cholesterol, more endurance, and of course, a more attractive physique.

Basic strength training also increases physical performance and decreases risk of injury. No matter what your physique currently is, it is important to get into a basic strength training program.

Basic strength training is also not just for the young. In fact, older people need it more, in order to slow the reduction in muscle strength that comes with aging due to decreased activity. Inactive adults are said to lose approximately 30 to 40 percent of their strength by age 65. Basic strength training can reduce this loss keeping us functioning better and longer. If you're over 50, strength training can be your new best friend.

The main goal of basic strength training is to build and maintain strength and power in the muscle to be able to perform activity. One should do basic strength training first before progressing to more advanced and more specific training.

There is a lot of strength training programs and theories, most of them designed for advanced exercisers. But do not worry, if you are just getting started, you can also do basic strength training. Anyone can do it, and you do not need state-of-the-art fitness equipments like skate machines, treadmills, step machines, and stationary cycles nor do you have to be an athlete to go into basic strength training. There is also no need to sign up in a gym. Basic strength training is also one of the fastest workouts. Three 20-minute sessions a week of basic strength training can do the job.

Basic strength training can be done at home, or at work, or practically anywhere. You can do a lot of basic strength training exercises and workouts to get you in shape and accommodate your busy schedule. Brisk walking for ten minutes would be a fun part of a basic strength training program. This will increase your blood circulation while you are enjoying the nice view outside
your house. Basic strength training can also include doing two sets of squats. This will help strengthen the legs and buttocks. To strengthen the arms, shoulders, and chest, you can do pushback. You can do it anywhere as long as there is a wall, making basic strength training accessible.

You can also do basic strength training for the calves and ankles by simply lifting the balls of your feet then lowering your ankles back to the floor afterwards. Knee extension is also a good part of basic strength training. It is also beneficial to people with arthritis. Basic strength training can also be done with just simple leg curls and doing hand grips.

In basic strength training, you can also make use of dumbbells and ankle weights, resistance bands or cords. You may also use a couple of soup cans, water or milk jugs – items you can already find in your house. Experts recommend that beginners start basic strength training 1-2 days a week and then slowly work up to 3 times a week, with 1 full day of rest between workouts to allow muscles to recover.

Check out these sites:
Weight Loss
Anorexia Info
Fitness Articles
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Gardening Info
Health Articles

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